The Case For Realistic Optimism | Ray Poole | TEDxStripDistrict
Have you ever struggled to stay positive when dealing with a sick loved one? When Raymond’s wife Rebecca went into respiratory failure due to cystic fibrosis he was forced to decide how he would respond. What he learned was that choosing to be realistically optimistic helped him to remain strong for Rebecca during her six long months on a ventilator and through her double lung transplant. Ray originally wrote his award winning book “Lessons from a CF Cornerman: 38 Lessons I Learned During my Wife’s Illness and Lung Transplant” to spread awareness and provide hope for families dealing with the illness of a loved one. In this talk, Ray discusses how he stayed motivated and worked to maintain perspective. He found clear reasons to be optimistic whether in the hospital room, the boardroom, or in life between those rooms. Ray holds a BS in engineering and an MBA. He is a champion martial artist, an engineering and marketing leader, and a passionate volunteer for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
It's like that one Doctor Who episode where the Doctor kept punching a wall and dying over and over again in order to escape
Thank you, Ray. You have no idea how much I learn from your story and perspective. You and Rebecca are indeed a blessing to this world. Thank you.
At least… at the end of the day… you went throwing everything you could because mind is powerful as well.
Not much here on what realistic optimism really means. I was hoping for a more scientific explanation of the acceptance of a bad situation with the focus on the positive, in other words an exploration of current psychological reasoning on the subject of realistic optimism.
So beautiful. All the strength and love to Rebecca on her healing journey ❤️
Thank you Ray for sharing your story of hope and inspiration. You and Rebecca are a blessing to this world.
Excellent presentation Ray. Personalising contributed greatly to the authenticity of your talk.
Beautiful, sir! I feel for all you've gone through and you've given me an important answer to something I've been looking for without even knowing it. Thank you!
I know how you feel I too was in that type of situation a bit worse but same idea. She died in my arms that changed me
Such a deeply touching story. Your speech was extremely well done! I'm extremely happy for you and your wife! Courage and optimistic reality rules!
I used to work with Becca. The strongest person I ever met…..indeed. Bless you both.
I have CF, am 42, and have been married to an amazing woman for 15 years. It takes a special person with courage, a big heart, and a good head on their shoulders to sign up as a CF spouse. I give you all the credit and respect in the world.
Great talk Ray. You and Rebecca are an inspiration!
You are an amazing Speaker! You set the bar very high for husbands in our world. You must have learned a lot from loving your wife!
Great talk, Ray! Thank you for sharing your insight on staying optimistic despite the circumstances.
Wonderful presentation Ray!!! Lots of love, hugs and prayers for an amazing couple!!! Better than I ever imagined. Thank you for giving a voice for CF spouses and the warrior Spirits that we love. ❤
Amazing story of resolve and determination….and optimism. Thank you for sharing. A lot to keep in mind!!