
Ethereum’s Move To POS (Serenity) | Which coins will benefit?

What do you think about Serenity? Are you bullish or bearish? Do you think these coins will gain traction with Ethereum’s eventual move to POS? Feel free to leave a comment below! Thank you all so much for watching the video. If you enjoyed the video, please consider dropping a like and subscribing. Running into some trouble or questions? Feel free to leave them down in the comments below!



ETH: 0xa34d3461ae04953489e9aa464689c022836751d0

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  1. I’m an elderly gentleman, My son introduced me to Crypto in late 2012. After doing a lot of researching Btc I felt strongly that It had a lot of growth and potential ahead of it. So my son and I built my 1st rig and I started mining in January 2013, pulled $5,000 from my IRA and bought Btc at $13.44 and have never looked back since. The sweetest sound that I’ve ever heard was the clink of my 1st mined Bitcoin way back when. That was as satisfying a note as there ever was on any musical scale. Nothing but happy days ahead since. Don’t get me wrong, there have been bumps in this Crypto highway, the demise of the Silk Road, Mt Gox, DAO hack to name a few but as a HOLDer (holding on for the long duration) not a HODLer (hanging on for dear life) and not day trading, has rewarded me with quite a decent profit. It just takes a lot of patience (Sisu) and doing your research with due diligence. I have since invested in Ethereum (Dec 2015), Monero (Jan 2016) and lately Omisego (July 2017) all purchased from some of my profits from Btc to go along with my newly acquired free Bch and recently free Omg. I’m currently operating 3 rigs equipped with 6 gpus each. 2 mining Eth and 1 Monero for now, all of which will be re-evaluated after Metropolis kicks in to see which direction I go from here. So I ‘m back to doing more research in order to help with my next moves but I’ll always be a strong believer in Ethereum which is where I’ve made my money so far. HOLDing on to the rest for now. Btc $5,000-10,000, Eth $2,500- 5,000, Monero $200-400, Omg $100-1,000 no one ever really knows but MY research says yes and so far MY research has not proven me wrong. Bought Btc at $13.44, Eth at .80, Monero at .48, Omg at .43 Bch for free. No where to go but up for me. Just biding my time. It’s taken me over 4 and a half years to get here but I’ve made over $4,000,000 so far with just my original investment plus the cost of my rigs and I’m still sitting on a lot more. Taking a position and HOLDing is where the real profit is and it isn’t going to happen overnight. So if you want aggravation and ulcers go ahead and day trade, try and beat the Market I wish you luck but the real money comes with Research, HOLDing and Patience. Hope this advice helps because in the long run what it all comes down to, its just Eths, You and Me hopefully making the right decisions, feel free to get in touch with me via brownspencer111 @gmail com, i will surely guide you on how to invest wisely in cryptocurrencies that will make you more profit at the moment.

  2. ETH can't be mined with an ASIC miner. Those who leave ETH when it goes POS aren't going to direct their GPU MINERS to LTC. Nick, you're off the mark on that one. There's only "privacy" with XMR. You don't get real privacy with it.

  3. I just love how all of you early Crypto Youtubers just love avoiding talking about Tezos. Anyways ETH was just hacked yesterday which resulted in stoled ETH that can be viewed on ether scan due to poor coding in Solidity. POS, formal verification, and smart contracts can not be done with ETH. You need to consult Programmers and Developers before talking to your viewers about technical developments if you don't know what your talking about. Tezos is the True POS, Formal Verification and Smart Contracts platform.

  4. strange no mention of zcash or it's spin offs. it seems to me this guys don't do mining. he doesn't grasp that their are 2 kinds of gpu's and one is heavy to eth algo and the other is heavy to zcash algo.

  5. Whilst I love your video's …the fact that the buyers of the coins always want it at a lower price is actually killing off the miners. Yes you want to make a profit from your investments …well guess what so do the miners. They are the ones forking out the initial investment and making the blockchain function . The cost of mining is for ever increasing yet the value of the coins is not matching the current difficulties in mining the coins if this continues down this path then more and more miners will have no choice but to stop. I will probably get alot of hate from the none mining community but all I can say is why dont you payout thousands of $$ and see what little you get back for your efforts. As the buyers pay less and less. I for one wish all the miners would stand together and say enough is enough you want the coins then you have to pay what they are really worth based in the difficulty in mining said coin. It should be as the coin increases in functionality and difficulty then the price should also increase. that way both the miners and the investors are both happy. I see nothing wrong with a price correction or a pull back . But the prices have to match the difficultly.

  6. Bitcoin gpu fork will get the majority of miners and then all the privacy coins. Also privacy on chain will be the next kaboom in crypto space…

  7. If ethereum goes pos wouldn't the price go higher since people must buy the coin to forge them? How many ethereum will you need in pos?

  8. Who
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  9. I bought 150 vtc and started to mine it. It's not a lot, but If I had 150 ltc I'd be really happy so we'll see what happens

  10. @DataDash Now this might be a dumb question, but lets say a lot of computer power goes away from ETH and into other crypto currencies, how does that help their respective price upwards? Doesn't that drive the price down, if supply skyrockets?

  11. Not sure PoW is worth going in to. Most smart investors see that as the whole problem with Bitcoin, etc. You put your money in and literally never get anything out. PoS solves that whole problem.

  12. POW coins are outdated Mining got political look at bitcoin, at the end they will have the power It was a good concept POW now it isnt anymore obsolete and also not sustainable for the enivronment We need to evolve POW is DEAD and has got allot of cons

  13. Why refer to the price in Satoshi? Everyone uses dollars for reference. Its like going to Mass conducted in Latin, we don't speak Satoshi, it means nothing.

  14. They are going to create a new coin called bitcoin gold and it will be GPU mined. Others will get an increase in mining.
    Etc,dash, monero,etc, aeon,etc,zec I am sure there are much more. Vert coin usually goes with VIA. I like both of these coins.

  15. Hey Nick, are you still positive about Nav Coin ? Right now is the perfect moment for accumulating some more.

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