
ICP Staking, Dissolve Delay, and Voting Rewards Explained Quickly

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Jerry Banfield



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  7. Hey Jerry I deposited 500 ICP into the NNS. it shows that I have 500 but when I tried to stake it doesn't show my balance. What to do to solve this issue? tia

  8. sometimes I have the feeling that making money on youtube has more priority than the subject, and thats with most of all of the youtubers, sad

  9. I just bought some ICP but to be honest Jerry videos are rather confusing anyway, he is so enthusiastique about ICP that he forget that most of investors are NEW , yes NEW Jerry
    you are like a teacher who know everything about a subject but forgot to tech the subject to a noob in a way one can understand

  10. Here's some things to think about, and some questions to ask. Think long and hard before you lock up your ICP.

    Take a look at the "Neurons" section, then click "View Neurons" to drill down. Sort by Staked ICP by clicking "Staked ICP." Page through the first 50 pages of "Neuron" whales. Interesting, right? Lots a big round numbers. You see, a normal investor doesn't buy ICP per unit. They purchase ICP on the exchange and get an amount based on the US DOLLARs they invest at that moment, and then get ICP based on their dollar purchase. You might leave the decimal behind in your internet identity account for 'gas fees,', and stake a whole number, as in 13 ICP, 28 ICP, 225 ICP, 23,353 ICP, 262,773 ICP, 3,456,333 ICP. I'm just making up numbers, but you get my point. You invest a little money, or a lot of money, you don't get 500,000 ICP, or 500,000 ICP times 204 neurons — could all be different owners of all 204 500k ICP neurons, but wow, they sure all think alike? Or maybe it's just one person. Do you really believe those neurons were created the normal way, like an investor purchasing the ICP, and then locking it up for a time? Odd, right? I wonder if someone could just arbitrarily create neurons with 500k each, and they lacked enough creativity to cover their tracks. What's the most likely answer for this? I wonder why ICP came on the market and steadily sold off for a couple years, almost like there was a seller there every day with "rewards" to pick up from the exchange. Did that person really buy 500K ICP, or all 500k x 204 neurons at any price at any time? How did they get such a round number like that? I guess they are pretty much done with what they wanted out of this. But wait, maybe not. Most of these 500k nodes are already dissolved. Did you get that? That ICP can be sold, with limit orders of course. So they're not done yet! I wonder where that seller currently has their limit orders on the exchange. That's where resistance levels come from. No one with that much reward every day would dump a market order on the exchange (or exchanges, they would likely need to use many) in order to not suddenly tank the price and scare other investors.

    Not all the nodes are dissolving, but most are dissolved or dissovling currently. I'm sure they "purchased" it the normal way of course right (sarcasm), but now they need buyers! Just in time for the bull market, and here you all are!.
    Now you could say, maybe they split their original purchase into neurons and wanted a nice round 500k each. But still, why would they still have exactly 500k ICP in each node? Why wouldn't some of these nodes contain say 553,334 ICP? Doesn't this investor ever compound their rewards? Why not?

    You know why. Think about it, and don't be foolish. ICP's biggest whales are selling their rewards, right now, and have been doing so for many years, regardless of how they obtained them, and that looks questionable as well.

  11. this is how two put all your eggs twice in one basket. first, you keep only ICP and no other crypto, second, you lock it up for good. this is called extreme greed in my book. you've been in crypto for years and lost all your assets. i hope nobody here is going to follow your stupid advice. pardon my french.

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