
Safuu The Highest Paying Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding Protocol



  1. It has just come to my attention that the audit of the contract does not support the original claims of Bryan Legend/Bryan Seiler about the locked liquidity or the blacklisting. The tokens can be swapped for BNB and withdrawn at any time, the Lp is not locked. Not to mention he said only bot wallets will be blacklisted, this is not the case. There is no clarity on whitelisted addresses so they can whitelist their wallets and clean the LP ANY TIME THEY LIKE. Same thing he was accused of for his clever defi project!

  2. Just got banned from their discord for this one and only comment: That audit of the contract does not support thw original claims of Mr Legend /Seiler/ about the locked liquidity or the blacklisting. The tokens can be swapped for bnb and withdrawn at any time the lp ia not locjed. Not to mention he said only bot wallets will be blacklisted this is not the case. There ia no claritu on whiteleisted addresses so they can whitelist their wallets and clean the LP ANY TIME THEY LIKE. Same th8ng he was accused of for his clever defi project. I will not be investing before this is fixed and I suspect I will be banned now as the mods do with all who raise legitimate concerns. Nevertheless I am not the one who has changed their name so its difficult to trust this project. Only saying to help people make their own conclusions. Mine are quite clear.

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