Crypto Exchanges

Building your own cryptocurrency trading bot using Python and the Poloniex API, Part 2

Brian walks you through a simple cryptocurrency trading bot in Python and using the Poloniex API.

Part 1 of this series can be found here:

Trading basics: Support and resistance trend lines:

The code from this video can be found here:
Poloniex API:
How moving averages work:

Contact me directly:



  1. Investing in binary/Forex trade can be so frustrating when you make the WRONG person your account manager and investing in binary/Forex trade can also be damn sweet when you make the RIGHT person who knows and also have all it takes to be an account manager the manager of your account and the right person is Mr Williams the trade master, am making more money than i have ever made with his strategy since i made him my account manager i have no cause to regret.

  2. Hi Brian, Im very pleased to see your videos!
    But me too have got a problem with the "output.html" file: it's completely empty! Nothing is been written down there? Does anybody got ideas why?

  3. Great videos! I'm relatively new to coding and was wondering if you're just running this script in an interactive shell (like pycharm) or if this can all be done in the linux command line?

  4. Great videos, thanks for posting.
    I'm following them, as I work with python 3 I had to make some modifications in the poloniex class.
    Please let me know if you want it.

  5. I've been messing around with my own bot thanks to you! Though I've been running into issues with placing orders. First I ran into an issue where I placed an order but it just sat on the order books and never executed. Then I tried using the "fillOrKill":1 param in for the sell function… seems to work for a bit… canceling the order if it's not filled immediately but usually crashes python after a while. I haven't had any successful sells using that method.

    Have you dealt with any of this stuff at all? how do you manage your orders and make sure they execute and not just sit on the order books?

    Thanks again!

  6. Hi, amazing work but please tell me what do i wrong because the output.html is always empty. neither on PyCharm nor on Eclipse it seems to work. furthermore on both botVersions it doesnt seem to go inside the

    if (len(prices) > 0): (line 95)


  7. Hello, hello, you could help me connect a robot and get it working, would you like to teach me, thank you 🙂

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